If you cannot move past the one-time code when signing documents with your Norwegian BankID on a mobile device, this guide will explain the reason and the solution to the issue.
Note: When a signer is unable to sign with their BankID (NO), the issue is not related to Penneo. This is a known challenge that is caused due to the way that BankID is structured.
Therefore, no matter which solution you use for compliant document management and digital signing, you will face this challenge.
Signing a document electronically with BankID requires (besides SSN number/fødsels-/personnummer):
- One-time code from a code-chip. Alternatively, you can get the one-time code from a code card, the bank's mobile app, or via BankID mobile.
- Personal password.
The one-time code is used to validate the user's identity while the password is used to sign.
Reference guides:
- How to sign a document
- Using a Personal Password when signing with Norwegian BankID (BID & BIM)
- How to use Norwegian BankID mobile as a code-card - Norwegian only
- Does my bank support BankID mobile as a code-card? - Norwegian only
We usually experience two scenarios that can be the cause of the issue.
Scenario A:
The signer sees the link “Choose another BankID” ( "Velg annen BankID") and clicks on it as they want to select another method to receive the one-time code. But once they get to the next “window/tab”, they cannot remember their personal password. If this happens, this guide can help solve the problem.
Scenario B:
The signer cannot see the link “Choose another BankID” ( "Velg annen BankID") and, therefore, they are unable to receive a one-time code. In this case, the signer needs to contact their own bank to receive assistance.
Penneo created the following text template that signers can send to their bank to explain the issue (text in Norwegian):
"Hei [BANK],
Jeg skal signere elektronisk, men har ingen kodebrikke og får ikke legitimert meg med BankID på Mobil som Kodebrikke, så jeg kan komme videre og signere med personlig password (signere med Norsk BankID & Penneo).
I følge BankID (se gjerne guiden fra Penneo) krever det Fødselsnummer, Engangskode og Personlig Passord for å signere store dokumenter med BankID. De fleste banker tilbyr nå å benytte BankID på mobil som kodebrikke. For å kunne signere, skal Banklagret BankID være utstedt av samme bank som BankID på mobil er utstedt hos.
Når jeg nå ikke får signere, skyldes dette trolig at min Banklagrede BankID ikke er utstedt hos dere.
- Kan dere avkrefte eller bekrefte dette? (Det er nødvendig å få sikkerhet for at dette er eller ikke er problemet.)
- Dersom min Banklagrede BankID ikke er utstedt av dere vil jeg gjerne ha etablert Banklagret BankID hos dere.
- Eventuelt tilbyr dere nå kanskje at engangskoden genereres inne i Mobilbank App'en? Send gjerne link til info!!
På forhånd takk for hjelpen."