Kim Reglin

  • Total activity 73
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Recent activity by Kim Reglin Recent activity Votes
  • What is the right format for social security numbers?

    If you want to add a social security number in a case file in Penneo, you need to make sure that it is entered by the correct standard for the specific country. Format for social security number by...

  • How to change the name of a signer's role

    When creating a case file, you have the option to change the name of the roles you select for the signers. This option may be useful in case, for example, you found a role that suits your signer in...

  • How the "Sign documents in a meeting" option works

    The option 'Signing documents in a meeting' can be selected if you want the documents to be signed during a physical meeting. If you enable this feature, the signing requests/links will not be sent...

  • What documents can signers see?

    In some situations, you might need to create a case file in which some of the documents need to be signed by some persons while other documents need to be signed by other persons. In such a case, y...

  • How Signing Flows work

    The Signing flow is usually the first thing you select when creating a new case file. The concept of Signing Flow includes; the signing roles the document types  the order in which the signers rec...

  • Webinar: Penneo Sign Admin Guide

    In this webinar, we will go through the company account settings in Penneo. The webinar has been divided into two parts and the agenda is as follows:  First part: Introduction How to manage your...

  • Which browsers can be used with Penneo KYC?

    We recommend using the latest version of these fully compatible browsers when working in Penneo KYC to avoid any issues: Google Chrome  Firefox  Microsoft Edge Safari Compatible browsers on a mob...

  • Set up automatic email reminders for clients

    This feature removes the need for sending manual reminders to clients. Once activated, clients will automatically receive email reminders if there are any unfulfilled goals. Reminders are sent ever...

  • How to utilize your client relationship overviews

    This is a paid feature. If you cannot access this feature per the instructions below, please reach out to your account manager or our sales department at The client relationship o...

  • How can I check how many client relationships I've used?

    In the menu, click on Settings, and you will see the data about Usage. In the example below, 3 client relationships have been created out of the 150 included in the subscription. Therefore, 147 mor...