NemID archive
If you have previously signed documents in Penneo using your NemID, and now would like to connect your MitID login to the same archive, you can find further instructions in this article.
Log in with MitID
Open this link and start off by logging in with MitID. Once you have approved the request you will be asked to type in your CPR number.
If you have multiple archives in Penneo you will be asked to choose the account from which you wish to access documents. Read more about account selection here.
You will then see the document archive from this account.
Logging into Penneo using your MitID
If it is the first time you are trying to log in to Penneo since the transition to MitID you will receive this error. Select “Reclaim NemID account” to continue.
You will be asked to log into MitID and approve the login request. Type in your CPR number in the field that is displayed after approving the request.
If you have multiple archives, such as a company Penneo archive, you will be able to select which of them you would like to access.
Once you have selected the account, you will be logged into your archive containing documents signed through this account.
Why do I have to type in my CPR number?
The MitID and NemID services don't use the same user IDs. When the same person has used both NemID and MitID, they've got a different user ID in each service. Therefore, when a person logs into Penneo for the first time with MitID, Penneo can't find the documents they've previously signed with NemID.
To find the person's NemID user and associated documents, Penneo needs to know the person's CPR number. MitID has been designed to never provide a user's CPR when they log in, so even though a user has logged in with MitID, Penneo needs to ask for their CPR number when it's required.
Can I reclaim access to documents I've signed with NemID Medarbejdersignatur?
Documents can be reclaimed as described above if the user in NemID Medarbejdersignatur had a linked CPR number. If no CPR number was linked in NemID, then please contact our support team at