Only administrators can create new users
To learn how to create a new user, follow the instructions below.
- When logged in to Penneo, click on Configure on the left side menu, and then Company.
- Select the tab Users.
- Click Create new on the far right above your list of users.
- Enter the name and email address of the user.
- Assign them a Role in the drop-down menu. You can choose between User and Administrator (to learn the difference between them, please see this article: What is the difference between Users and Administrators in Penneo?).
- Select the rights for the user.
- Select the login methods for the user. We always recommend enabling classic credentials.
- Finally, click Create user.
Your new user will now receive an activation email. To confirm that the user you created have used the invitation and created a login for their user account, you can find the user in the list of users. If the status of the user is inactive, it means that they have not set up their user account yet. The link found in the activation email expires after 14 days. Therefore, if the new user does not activate their account within 14 days, you will need to send them a reset link -check out this article to learn how: How to reset a user's password (for Administrators).