It might sometimes happen that the signer cannot find the email with the signing request in their inbox - even though the event log in your Penneo platform shows that the email was successfully sent to the signer.
In such a case, follow the steps below:
- Ask the signer who didn't find the email in their inbox to check their spam folder.
- Double-check that you used the correct email address for the signer. If the email address you typed in the field when creating the case file was incorrect, see: How to change settings/details of a signer after the case file has been sent out.
If the problem persists, follow the instructions listed below:
- When logged into your Penneo account, locate the relevant case file and open it.
- Click on the signer who didn't receive the email with the signing link.
- Go to the tab Master data.
- Change the email address to your own (so that you will be the one receiving the email with the signing link) by typing your email address in the corresponding field. Then, press Save changes.
- While still in Signer details, go to the tab Actions and click Resend request.
- Wait for the email to arrive in your own inbox and once you receive it, forward it to your signer.
If the problem persists even after trying the workaround described above, and your signer still cannot find the email with the signing link, please ask them to contact our Customer Support team.