In some situations, you might need to create a case file in which some of the documents need to be signed by some persons while other documents need to be signed by other persons.
In such a case, you may want each signer to view only the documents they need to sign.
To achieve this goal, you can set up your case file so that each signer will only get access to the documents they need to sign (and the attachments not being signed).
This limited access to documents also applies after the finalization of the process. In other words, after everyone has signed and the case file has been finalized, each signer will only be able to see their own documents (i.e., the documents they originally had access to and signed).
Note that copy recipients will be able to see all documents and attachments included in the case file once it has been signed and finalized.
Here are instructions on how to activate the feature depending on the Penneo interface you use:
If you use the Penneo Web Interface | If you use the Desktop Application |