Conditional signing is a feature active on some case file types that have the role board member included in the signing flow.
This feature lets you select how many persons with the role board member must sign for the process to be finalized. Please note that a different rule applies to the Chairman of the board, who is always required to sign.
Example: suppose you have 5 board members and need the document to be signed by 3 of them.
Add all 5 persons to the case file and give the role of board member to 4 of them and the role of chairman of the board to 1 of them.
Then, type 2 in the field 'required board members'. By typing 2 in the field, the document will be signed by the chairman of the board (who always signs) and 2 of the board members. As soon as 2 board members have signed, the remaining 2 board members will be notified that their signature is no longer required. In this way, 3 out of 5 will have signed.
By default, the number in the field 'required board members' is set to 10. This does not mean that there MUST be 10 board members. It means that Penneo allows up to 10 board members to sign. As long as the number that is stated is higher than the number of board members that have been created, they will all be asked to sign. Note that this number cannot be changed after you have sent out the case file.
IMPORTANT: Never write "0" in the field, as this can ruin the case file. Penneo will believe that one single signer is enough. If you do not have any board members, ignore the field and leave the standard "10".
Choose your interface below to find instructions on how to use conditional signing:
If you use the Penneo Web Interface | If you use the Desktop Application |
If you use the Penneo Web Interface
When you have chosen a signing flow that allows using the conditional signing feature, the option to enable conditional signing will appear under the signing flow.
You can enable the feature by clicking Enable, and entering the number of board members required to sign the documents on the case file.
If you want to use your selected signing flow, but do not want to use conditional signing, you can leave it disabled, and no conditions will be applied to the signers.
If you use the Desktop App
This feature will be available under Settings on the second page of case file creation in the desktop app. The following picture shows the field in which you can change the number of board members required to sign: